latest news!
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Here you will find all the news about what is going on at our locations, with our people or what crazy things we have done next. We’ll keep you up to date with all the fun events and activities you won’t want to miss. So, get inspired and discover how camping is always an adventure. Welcome to our camping world!

Trap voor Toekomst!
Fiets jij mee voor de zieke kinderen vanhet Prinses Máxima Centrum? Wij gaan geld inzamelen voor het goede doel. Met wij, bedoelen wij de

With us, vitality is key!
We take good care of each other, looking after the health and well-being of our great employees. With our positive attitude, we make every day a party!

Commitment Princess Maxima Centre
The Sunshine Group is committed to the Princess Maxima Centre, a place of hope and healing for children in their courageous fight against cancer disease.

Wild West company outing ends without casualties (thankfully)
At the end of September, we had our annual company outing again. This year’s theme was Wild West, which of course put quite a bit of tension on things.

Have your tent pitched up by Dorema!
More and more often, Doréma is being asked if they can help with setting up tents properly at the campsite.

Winner office Christmas party proud of victory
As every year a Christmas Office Party takes place, and this year it was for the first time at our new location of De Waard Tenten in Hattem!

Opening new showroom De Waard Tents
De Waard Tenten has officially moved into its new premises! Over the past few months, a lot of hard work went into building and furnishing our new location, and now it is ready.